Bianca Aguglia

The journey of a self thought person

There’s an elephant in the room – Now what?

I noticed recently that even people I admire very much for their well-reasoned, logical positivity have started to talk more about worrisome topics like global crisis, worldwide conflict, and so on.

These are thick skinned, good hearted, smart people who

  • have a hands-on approach to any new challenge
  • take full responsibility for their actions
  • don’t complain
  • see failure as a lesson not a setback
  • look for the good in people, and
  • pursue their goals (which may be selfish or not) in a way never meant to be harmful but fair to others.

They don’t talk about the current events in a gloom and doom way, but in a there’-an-elephant-in-the-room-and-we-want-to-do-something-about-it way.

Part of their talk actually does make us worry – it reinforces the idea that those issues are not just on our minds, but also on the minds of many others. But that’s not all the talk does. It inspires us. It motivates us to become part of the problem solvers.

That’s the main reason I decided to start this blog and a personal YouTube channel, and be more active on social media.

Regardless of whether we see social media as a good or a bad thing, there’s no denying that it does something amazing:

It connects us, puts our creativity on fire, gives us a chance to bounce ideas off each other, and turns us into a bottom-kicking problem-solving global team.

So, while it would be foolish to ignore the elephant in the room – the uncertainty and worry about the current economic, social, and politic conditions – it would be even more foolish not to take advantage of our joint creativity and desire to sort out this mess, and work together to figure out the best way to lure out the elephant and relocate it to its proper environment. ?

I know that’s a task we all care about, not just for ourselves, but because we want to give our children and other people we love a chance to grow up and live in a beautiful world.

Time to learn more about elephants. ?


Photo credit: #pixabay #sasint with text added after download

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