Bianca Aguglia

The journey of a self thought person

Third post since re-design (started approximately June 5th, 2018)

It’s 10:53 am. I didn’t write anything else in yesterday’s post after the 6:53 pm entry.

Today I’ll try something different. I came up with a way to tell how each entry was added to the daily post. I’ll use three abbreviations as superscripts for the time stamps:

  • R stands for real time = entries I make as I think of them
  • B stands for batched = entries I copy from my daily notebook
  • D stands for downtime = ideas that come when I’m not working, usually my bike ride.

I’ll also do some writing at BN. Need to get used to writing on the iPad.

I’m getting back to work on the website now. Still a lot of setting up to do.




  • 12:43 pm: I remembered a thought I had yesterday about adding a new daily post category with things I learned that day.
  • 5:46 pm: I’m forcing myself to write something. Trying to build the “Today’s Thoughts” posts into a habit. I did just have one noteworthy thought though. I called it the A.A. test (After Automation test). It was prompted by a YT ad for Python and learning to automate tasks.

Me being a smart ace. The goal is not to automate, but to be efficient. If time saved by implementing the AG (algorithm) is not greater than time spent maintaining/fixing AG => failed the A.A. test.

Back to work now.

  • 6:53 pm: Wrapping up. Time for bike ride.







12:45N pm : I’m finishing and posting this one day after I started it. I’ll try harder with today’s post.

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